NDF Real estate solution , gives you the capability of personalize the CX system to the real estate business , Including leads , master plan , unit master , Unit Search , Unit Initial Booking , Form printouts, Full notification and approval system
All automated and ready to be used within your CX system
To implement an automated process for frequently sports activities reservations and renewals. (Teams & Academies)
Accessible channel for members to reserve their sports activities on regular basis, eliminate long queues and waiting at sports offices fully integrated with SAP solutions.
NDF Moshtariat is a cloud-based innovative solution that allows Vendors and Customers to connect and do business on a single online platform. It improves over all vendor management system of an organization by providing less costly ways of procurement and making business simple. Moshtariat acts as procurement service to do business in the region. Moshtariat digitally transforms your procurement process fully integrated with SAP solutions
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